Forum Activity for @adolygwr

04/07/18 01:03:35PM
370 posts

Embed from GoFundMe not displaying........

Using Jamroom

k....thanks. Think I'll scrap that :)
04/07/18 12:27:11PM
370 posts

Embed from GoFundMe not displaying........

Using Jamroom

Not that I know of. That must be something else. I'd better take a look at it.

So basically this embed isn't gonna do much good?
04/07/18 10:33:45AM
370 posts

Embed from GoFundMe not displaying........

Using Jamroom

Can't seem to get this embed code (see attachment) to display in a html or custom code sitebuilder widget. Am I missing something?

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="258" height="338" title="Click Here to donate!" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="/Widgetflex.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="flashvars" value="page=west-coast-eisteddfod&template=0" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed allowScriptAccess="always" src="/Widgetflex.swf" quality="high" flashVars="page=west-coast-eisteddfod&template=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="258" height="338"></embed></object>

updated by @adolygwr: 07/09/18 11:36:06PM
03/08/18 10:08:09AM
370 posts


Using Jamroom

Thought basically a twerp attempting some kind of hack? Oh well one more IP blocked :)
03/08/18 09:57:23AM
370 posts


Using Jamroom

I noticed this entry in my logs recently

It displays the blog page on the site. Not the normal way to access it. Is it anything to be concerned about?
updated by @adolygwr: 06/10/18 12:04:42AM
03/06/18 11:05:52AM
370 posts


Using Jamroom

Hi, been following this from the previous thread as I too am interested in having a 'Timeline' thread on the front page as is in Follow Me skin - I was on that skin but went to 5Light - I have comments on my front page which I would like to have the Timeline instead. I would be interested in @Ceri proposition if possible. Thank you.

Hi Annush....just tried to message you. Can you provide me with some contact details so that I can update you on developments with the proposed module/skin adaptation?
03/05/18 01:16:37PM
370 posts


Using Jamroom

k....will do :)
03/05/18 01:11:57PM
370 posts


Using Jamroom

Yes to both questions. Basically what I need is a widget that does the above which can be dropped into a sitebuilder page or tab. Also (because some people are just too lazy/busy for anything else) it must be possible to log in/sign up and comment on the same page.
updated by @adolygwr: 03/05/18 01:15:37PM
03/05/18 12:22:49PM
370 posts


Using Jamroom

"When you say timeline "tab" do you mean a TAB in a widget box? I why is it so important it is in a tab?"

Because I make extensive use of tabs on the home page (and elsewhere) for features etc.

"For visitors this would require Share This, which only shares a URL - so your front page would be shared - NOT the individual post. If they wanted to share the individual post they would need to visit the detail page for that specific timeline item."

I'm pretty sure I've seen this work elsewhere but it's not a deal breaker.

"Visitors cannot post to your site, so they would not see the text box."

What I have in mind is something along the lines of the Disqus comment box (see graphic below). Obviously not exactly like it BUT basically a feature which allows you to type your post (graphics , video etc ) BUT doesnt let you post until you log in/ sign up.
Screenshot from 2018-03-05 12:16:55.jpg Screenshot from 2018-03-05 12:16:55.jpg - 20KB
03/05/18 11:59:25AM
370 posts


Using Jamroom

OK lets explore this. Here are the features I need:-

1. A text box at the top of the timeline tab on the front page which logged in members can use (critical that it works in a tab!). Site visitors MUST be able to see the front page AND the text box.

2. ALL activity on the site (including groups) posted to the timeline tab. Although there should be an admin option to include or exclude content from certain modules. It would be nice if twitter and fb feeds could be added as well BUT only by admins of course.

3. An icon for liking . sharing and commenting on existing timeline posts. Comments should appear on front page and on the original post (if it is a blog, photo etc) and on the poster's profile. The sharing icon/icons should include the ability to post to Twitter and FB.

I would want this to work on Ningja without my having to alter or amend any other features.

How much would something like that run to?